You are reading this article because you know you believe in your child and you see a rising sports star in them – the star of talent that everyone would know in the future – and there is no compromise you would make in the process. You will make sure your child gets all the attention they need, so their talent comes out in the best possible ways, but you are confused.

Are you going to give your child the attention in sports they need for honing their talent?
The simple answer is: You are a parent, not a sports coach.
Your Child Needs to Learn the Technical Details
Your child also needs to learn about the technical details once you note them having a talent in some sport. The best way to make sure your child gets familiar with all the important basics and technicalities is to get them coaching. I have seen many parents try to prescribe fitness coaching for their child with no idea of whether what they are doing is correct.
The coaching would help them get some detailed knowledge about sports. As the child is in their phase of active learning, they will be better able to absorb the content given to them in a fast phase. Moreover, with the practice they do on a daily or a weekly basis depending upon their coach, the coach would make sure your child gets enough grip on the subject so to hone the talent further and make it worth the shot. If your child lacks this direction, it will hinder their progress towards honing their talent.
Coaches have Frameworks
As a coach, the important role comes into play when the child is given all the procedures required for becoming the trained athlete, they are ought to become. A professional coach will have a framework to develop your child and have them where they need to be at set ages and duration of playing within the sport.
Therefore, a unless you are skilled with certification in the topic you are coaching, your child is better off with a professional coach who can take your child along their journey.
The Role Conflict Can be Avoided in Child Development
Don’t let the parenting get mixed with the coaching. It might get interfered to the point where the relationship of your child with you as a parent might start getting affected. The best way to nullify this act is to stay away from it and know your role and limitations as a parent.
More than professional, your child needs your emotional support. Sure, they do need to come to you for some advice that can be helpful for them but teaching them from scratch requires one to get into the business which might affect your relationship with them. This is also critical for parents with young kids as this is the age when children are in dire need of unconditional emotional support, and you don't want to mistake their strict attitude with training for your coldness towards them.