The bear crawl is a fantastic full body exercise that can be used to develop a blend of strength and cardiovascular fitness.
Level - 2 (Intermediate)
Muscles Used - Shoulders, Trunk (Core) & Glutes
Equipment - Bodyweight Only
Why Use This Exercise?
To build strength and stability at the shoulder and hip
Develop core stability and control which transfers to sporting movements
Great for bodyweight conditioning with minimal equipment
When Use This Exercise?
Great to use in a warm up as a full body primer exercise (don't do it to fatigue)
In a circuit workout
As a finisher at the end of your workout/training session (can do it to fatigue)
Common Errors
Letting the shoulder blades collapse
Not having a flat back
Focusing on speed rather than control
Beginner Version (Bear Crawl Hold - Static) - Video Tutorial
Progression 1 - Bear Crawl Forward/Back
Progression 2 - Lateral Bear Crawl
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